Hello: yasa
Goodbye: andio
Good morning: kalimera
Good afternoon: herete
Good evening: kalispera
Good night: kalinihta
Please: parakalo
Thank you: efharisto
Yes: ne
No: ohi
Sorry: sighnomi
How are you?: Ti kanete?
I'm well thanks: kala efharisto
What's your name?: pos sas lene
My name is.: me lene.
Do you speak English?: milate anglika?
I understand: katalaveno
I don't understand: dhen katalaveno
Where is.?: pou ine
How much?: poso kani
When?: pote
What time does the.leave/arrive?: ti ora fevyi/ftani to .?
Plane: aeroplano
Boat: karavi
Bus: astiko
Train: treno
Taxi: taxi
I'd like.: tha ithela.
A return ticket: isitirio me epistrofi
First class: proti thesi
How do I get to.?: pos tha pao sto/sti.?
Where is..?: pou ine..?
Is it near?: ine konda?
Straight ahead: efthia
Left: aristera
Right: dexia
Behind: piso
Where is.?: pou ine..?
I'd like.: thelo ena
A good hotel: kalo xenodohio
Single: mono
Double: dhiplo
Room: dhomatio
How much is it?: poso kani?
Is breakfast included?: symberilamvani ke pro-ino?
May I see it?: boro na to dho?
What time is it?: ti ora ine?
It's: ine
1 o'clock: mia i ora
7:30: efta ke misi
today: simera
tonight: apopse
now: tora
yesterday: hthes
tomorrow: avrio
Breakfast: pro-ino
Lunch: mesimvrino
Dinner: vradhyno
Bread: psomi
Beer: byra
Cheese: tyri
Chicken: kotopoulo
Milk: ghala
Water: nero
Tea: tsai
1: enas (m) mia (f) ena (n)
2: dhio
3: tris (m&f) tria (n)
4: teseris (m&f) tesera (n)
5: pende
6: exi
7: epta
8: ohto
9: enea
10: dheka |